确定哪些策略规则当前对端点有效,并且可以将来自 cilium endpoint list
和 cilium endpoint get
的数据与 cilium policy get
配对。cilium endpoint get
将列出适用于端点的每个规则的标签。可以传递标签列表给 cilium policy get
在下面的示例中,其中一个 deathstar
pod 的端点 id 是 568。我们可以打印应用于它的所有策略:
$ # Get a shell on the Cilium pod
$ kubectl exec -ti cilium-88k78 -n kube-system -- /bin/bash
$ # print out the ingress labels
$ # clean up the data
$ # fetch each policy via each set of labels
$ # (Note that while the structure is "...l4.ingress...", it reflects all L3, L4 and L7 policy.
$ cilium endpoint get 568 -o jsonpath='{range ..status.policy.realized.l4.ingress[*].derived-from-rules}{@}{"\n"}{end}'|tr -d '][' | xargs -I{} bash -c 'echo "Labels: {}"; cilium policy get {}'
Labels: k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.name=rule1 k8s:io.cilium.k8s.policy.namespace=default
"endpointSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"any:class": "deathstar",
"any:org": "empire",
"k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default"
"ingress": [
"fromEndpoints": [
"matchLabels": {
"any:org": "empire",
"k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default"
"toPorts": [
"ports": [
"port": "80",
"protocol": "TCP"
"rules": {
"http": [
"path": "/v1/request-landing",
"method": "POST"
"labels": [
"key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.name",
"value": "rule1",
"source": "k8s"
"key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.namespace",
"value": "default",
"source": "k8s"
Revision: 217
$ # repeat for egress
$ cilium endpoint get 568 -o jsonpath='{range ..status.policy.realized.l4.egress[*].derived-from-rules}{@}{"\n"}{end}' | tr -d '][' | xargs -I{} bash -c 'echo "Labels: {}"; cilium policy get {}'
随着 DNS 数据的变化,在应用策略很长时间后,效果 toFQDNs
可能会发生变化。这会使调试意外阻塞的连接或瞬时故障变得困难。Cilium 提供 CLI 工具来内省在多个守护进程层中应用 FQDN 策略的状态:
cilium policy get
应显示导入的 FQDN 策略:{ "endpointSelector": { "matchLabels": { "any:class": "mediabot", "any:org": "empire", "k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default" } }, "egress": [ { "toFQDNs": [ { "matchName": "api.twitter.com" } ] }, { "toEndpoints": [ { "matchLabels": { "k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "kube-system", "k8s:k8s-app": "kube-dns" } } ], "toPorts": [ { "ports": [ { "port": "53", "protocol": "ANY" } ], "rules": { "dns": [ { "matchPattern": "*" } ] } } ] } ], "labels": [ { "key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.derived-from", "value": "CiliumNetworkPolicy", "source": "k8s" }, { "key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.name", "value": "fqdn", "source": "k8s" }, { "key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.namespace", "value": "default", "source": "k8s" }, { "key": "io.cilium.k8s.policy.uid", "value": "fc9d6022-2ffa-4f72-b59e-b9067c3cfecf", "source": "k8s" } ] }
发出 DNS 请求后,应通过以下方式获得 FQDN 到 IP 的映射:
cilium fqdn cache list
# cilium fqdn cache list Endpoint FQDN TTL ExpirationTime IPs 2761 help.twitter.com. 604800 2019-07-16T17:57:38.179Z,,, 2761 api.twitter.com. 604800 2019-07-16T18:11:38.627Z,,,
如果允许流量,则这些 IP 应通过以下方式具有相应的本地身份:
cilium identity list | grep <IP>
# cilium identity list | grep -A 1 16777220 cidr: reserved:world