Configuration for east/west gateway settings
EastWestGateway is for configuring a gateway to handle east-west traffic of
the services that are not exposed through Ingress or Tier1 gateways (internal
services). Currently, this is restricted to specifying at Workspace level
in WorkspaceSetting.
Field |
Description |
Validation Rule |
tetrateio.api.tsb.types.v2.WorkloadSelector REQUIRED Specify the gateway workloads (pod labels and Kubernetes
namespace) under the gateway group that should be configured with
this gateway. There can be only one gateway for a workload selector in a namespace.
message = { required: true }
List of tetrateio.api.tsb.types.v2.ServiceSelector Exposed services is used to specify the match criteria to select specific services
for internal multicluster routing (east-west routing between clusters).
If it is not defined or contains no elements, all the services within the workspace
will be exposed to the configured gateway.
tetrateio.api.tsb.types.v2.ConfigGenerationMetadata Metadata values that will be add into the Istio generated configurations.
When using YAML APIs liketctl or gitops , put them into the metadata.labels or
metadata.annotations instead.
This field is only necessary when using gRPC APIs directly.