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Dive deep into the secrets of cloud-native technology, share everyday musings and observations, and together discover, learn, and grow at the forefront of technology and life experiences.

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Cloud Native


The smallest building unit of cloud native applications, built once and run everywhere.


Cloud native operating system, declarative API is its core, Operator framework controls everything.


As a cloud native network infrastructure, the service mesh is responsible for all aspects of communication between services.


The ultimate form of cloud native in the foreseeable time, true on-demand use and pay-as-you-go.

Quick Start

When we need to develop cloud native apps locally, we prefer to have a distributed development environment that is ready to use and easy to customize, so that we can better test Kubernetes itself and applications. Now we use Vagrant and VirtualBox to create such an environment.

About Jimmy Song

Jimmy Song, Tetrate developer advocate, Founder of Cloud Native Community (China) , and CNCF Ambassador . With over a decade of experience in software development, architectural design, and community management, he has worked at iFlytek , TalkingData , and Ant Group .

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