In the blog post Detailed Explanation of Common Authentication Methods in Microservices, we discussed OAuth 2.0 authentication, which has several implementations, with OpenID Connect (OIDC) being the most popular one. OIDC provides both authentication and authorization for users. This article will explain how to implement OIDC authentication at the API Gateway level using Envoy Gateway.
Envoy Gateway is a high-performance API gateway implemented with Envoy, supporting various authentication methods to protect APIs and microservices:
This article focuses on configuring and using OIDC authentication in Envoy Gateway to achieve Single Sign-On at the gateway level.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity verification protocol built on OAuth 2.0. It allows clients to verify a user’s identity via an authentication server and obtain information about the user.
The OIDC authentication process is illustrated below:
OIDC adds an identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0, introducing ID tokens and a standardized UserInfo endpoint, enabling OAuth 2.0 to be used not only for authorization but also for securely verifying user identities, thus achieving Single Sign-On (SSO) and obtaining user identity information.
Single Sign-On (SSO) is an identity verification method that allows users to log in to multiple independent applications with one account. Through a single authentication, users can seamlessly access all related applications, reducing the hassle of repeatedly entering usernames and passwords, thereby enhancing the user experience. SSO centralizes user identity and authentication management, enhancing system security and simplifying IT management processes.
For microservices architecture, SSO is particularly important because it achieves unified authentication and authorization across various microservices, avoiding the need for each service to implement its own identity verification logic, reducing user login redundancy, and enhancing the user experience. Centralized management also unifies application security policies, effectively monitors and responds to security events, and improves overall system security. Additionally, by using standardized tokens (like JWT), SSO simplifies the identity verification process between microservices, enhancing development efficiency and allowing developers to focus on business logic implementation.
Next, we will use Auth0 as the identity provider to demonstrate how to achieve Single Sign-On at the API Gateway level using Envoy Gateway.
First, let’s illustrate the detailed process of implementing Single Sign-On with Auth0 in Envoy Gateway, as shown below.
Steps explanation:
via a browser.Through this process, Envoy Gateway achieves Single Sign-On functionality. HTTP requests from users that are not authenticated will be redirected to the SSO page. Besides Auth0, Envoy Gateway also supports multiple identity providers such as Azure AD, Keycloak, Okta, OneLogin, Salesforce, UAA, and more.
Next, we will configure Auth0 and Envoy Gateway according to the sequence diagram.
Follow these steps to set up a Regular Web Application on Auth0:
Remember these Auth0 fields as we will use them to configure the Envoy Gateway’s security policy.
Below are screenshots of the Auth0 configuration page. After setting up the user and creating a Regular Web Application, you only need to configure these two places.
This completes the configuration on Auth0. Next, we will install and configure Envoy Gateway.
Refer to the Envoy Gateway Quick Start Guide to install Envoy Gateway on minikube:
minikube start --driver=docker --cpus=2 --memory=2g
helm install eg oci:// --version v1.0.1 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace
kubectl apply -f -n default
Refer to the Secure Gateway guide to configure TLS for Envoy Gateway:
# Create root certificate and private key to sign certificates
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=example Inc./' -keyout -out
# Create certificate and private key for
openssl req -out -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -subj "/ organization"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA -CAkey -set_serial 0 -in -out
# Store certificates/keys in a Secret
kubectl create secret tls example-cert
Update the gateway created in the quickstart to include port 443
and reference the example-cert
Secret in the HTTPS Listener:
echo '[
"op": "add",
"path": "/spec/listeners/-",
"value": {
"name": "https",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"port": 443,
"tls": {
"mode": "Terminate",
"certificateRefs": [
"kind": "Secret",
"group": "",
"name": "example-cert"
]' | kubectl patch gateway eg --type=json --patch-file /dev/stdin
Create an HTTPRoute to add a route to the backend
service for the /myapp
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: HTTPRoute
name: myapp
- name: eg
hostnames: [""]
- matches:
- path:
type: PathPrefix
value: /myapp
- name: backend
port: 3000
Create a Kubernetes Secret to store the OAuth Client’s Client Secret:
kubectl create secret generic auth0-client-secret --from-literal=client-secret=${CLIENT_SECRET}
with your Auth0 Client Secret.
Create a Security Policy:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: SecurityPolicy
name: oidc-example
kind: Gateway
name: eg
issuer: "https://${DOMAIN}"
clientID: "${CLIENT_ID}"
name: "auth0-client-secret"
redirectURL: ""
logoutPath: "/myapp/logout"
here should be filled with the Auth0 Domain.redirectURL
needs to appear in the Allowed Callback URLs in the Auth0 configuration.logoutPath
is mandatory, even if its URL endpoint does not implement the logout logic.In this example, we set up OIDC for the Envoy Gateway. By modifying the targetRef
to the HTTPRoute, OIDC can also be configured for individual routes. For detailed OIDC configuration, refer to the Envoy Gateway API Documentation.
to the local /etc/hosts
echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Configure port forwarding for the application to access the example application locally via the domain:
export ENVOY_SERVICE=$(kubectl get svc -n envoy-gateway-system, -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
sudo kubectl -n envoy-gateway-system port-forward service/${ENVOY_SERVICE} 443:443
Now, visit in your browser, skip the certificate risk warning, and the page will redirect to the Auth0 login page, as shown below. Choose to log in with a Google account.
After logging in, the browser will redirect back to and display the HTTP request results, as shown in the JSON code below.
"path": "/",
"host": "",
"method": "GET",
"proto": "HTTP/1.1",
"headers": {
"Authorization": [
"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kZXYtYXdoam15MzhnZzVxeng3dS51cy5hdXRoMC5jb20vIn0..IiH9LnxmnrGAVy-q.eQV_0Ssetw9mmrEaJNLlBowGJNX51awhh67WSejPrksuGU9e9-DcPJQqmR67ONFzTXWR6CFy4Rfgs4btsmEtvCtiNTCgrBHP90ddbOTg_pK31WnsQ7NThyRfGwoogSaAtK6hFrC2pxFaLj0XL7XvSPk-OaTzK1Zh1da1IM1cmWAWiBRc3nQiVWRDrExPo8-i5SawFe0jIcwytVSaRiX5Polyd3cZ7A7nlei-vDLCfj0HVzOO605nF7ED2dBSnZyev1sg14q598f3X2Vfhi2oJlnbiulGZIlpXgGbcPhzAJJxyEe6qpRpNg7Hbk8Ya-i8gUTwwNysrgm3.Zu5kD_6DzSfZPvwemttXYQ"
"Cookie": [
"OauthHMAC-167a6c5=RPdscXEBap0NeSIppJXoxkHt0qvMz4fNHXo2uvgDgIY=; OauthExpires-167a6c5=1716540771; BearerToken-167a6c5=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kZXYtYXdoam15MzhnZzVxeng3dS51cy5hdXRoMC5jb20vIn0..IiH9LnxmnrGAVy-q.eQV_0Ssetw9mmrEaJNLlBowGJNX51awhh67WSejPrksuGU9e9-DcPJQqmR67ONFzTXWR6CFy4Rfgs4btsmEtvCtiNTCgrBHP90ddbOTg_pK31WnsQ7NThyRfGwoogSaAtK6hFrC2pxFaLj0XL7XvSPk-OaTzK1Zh1da1IM1cmWAWiBRc3nQiVWRDrExPo8-i5SawFe0jIcwytVSaRiX5Polyd3cZ7A7nlei-vDLCfj0HVzOO605nF7ED2dBSnZyev1sg14q598f3X2Vfhi2oJlnbiulGZIlpXgGbcPhzAJJxyEe6qpRpNg7Hbk8Ya-i8gUTwwNysrgm3.Zu5kD_6DzSfZPvwemttXYQ; IdToken-167a6c5=eyJhbG
"User-Agent": [
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"X-Envoy-Internal": [
"X-Forwarded-For": [
"X-Forwarded-Proto": [
"X-Request-Id": [
"namespace": "default",
"ingress": "",
"service": "",
"pod": "backend-55d64d8794-4qvgd"
At this point, you can see the ID Token in the Chrome browser’s Inspector - Application - Cookies, as shown below:
Write a Python script
to parse and validate the ID Token:
import jwt
import requests
from jwt.algorithms import RSAAlgorithm
import argparse
import json
import base64
def base64url_decode(input):
rem = len(input) % 4
if rem > 0:
input += '=' * (4 - rem)
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(input)
def get_signing_key(jwk_url, kid):
jwks = requests.get(jwk_url).json()
for jwk in jwks['keys']:
if jwk['kid'] == kid:
return RSAAlgorithm.from_jwk(jwk)
raise Exception('Public key not found.')
def validate_token(token, audience, issuer, jwk_url):
headers = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
kid = headers['kid']
signing_key = get_signing_key(jwk_url, kid)
decoded_token = jwt.decode(
return decoded_token
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Validate a JWT token.')
parser.add_argument('token', type=str, help='The JWT token to validate')
args = parser.parse_args()
token = args.token
# Parse the token's payload to extract audience and issuer
header, payload, signature = token.split('.')
decoded_payload = base64url_decode(payload)
payload_json = json.loads(decoded_payload)
audience = payload_json['aud']
issuer = payload_json['iss']
jwk_url = f"{issuer}.well-known/jwks.json"
decoded = validate_token(token, audience, issuer, jwk_url)
print("Token is valid. Decoded payload:")
for key, value in decoded.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Token validation failed: {e}")
Install the required packages:
pip install pyjwt requests
Run the script:
python ${ID_TOKEN}
You will see an output similar to the following:
Token is valid. Decoded payload:
aud: Tg8e5ehkLJ3hdkw1O4D10PwmPy71dvmv
iat: 1716470905
exp: 1716506905
sub: google-oauth2|112744779022331048640
sid: 4W_hQNJJ8ftDL8S3Cozp8GEu2Au4_e9N
From the values in the ID Token, you can conclude:
field), which is the Client ID for Auth0.iat
field) and will expire at 2024-05-23 14:08:25 UTC (exp
field). This indicates that the user logged in using Google OAuth2.4W_hQNJJ8ftDL8S3Cozp8GEu2Au4_e9N
field), used for session management.Since our example application does not implement the Auth0 logout logic, we need to explicitly tell Auth0 to logout via an HTTP request. Visit the following URL in your browser:
Replace ${DOMAIN}
and ${CLIENT_ID}
with the configuration items from your Auth0 setup. For detailed instructions on how to log users out using the OIDC endpoint in Auth0, refer to the Auth0 documentation.
After logging out, the page will redirect to the login page again. Upon logging in, the page will redirect to
Through these steps, you can implement OIDC authentication in Envoy Gateway, ensuring API security. This method not only provides a flexible authentication mechanism but also simplifies application identity management. By integrating with identity providers like Auth0, Envoy Gateway can easily achieve Single Sign-On, enhancing user experience and system security. In the future, you can further configure and optimize Envoy Gateway based on your needs, leveraging its powerful authentication and authorization capabilities to meet more complex security requirements and business needs.
Last updated on Jan 31, 2025