This article will guide you on how to compile the Istio binaries and Docker images on macOS.
Before we start, refer to the Istio Wiki, here is the information about my build environment.
First, download the Istio code from GitHub to the $GOPATH/src/
directory, and execute the commands below in that root directory.
Execute the following command to download the Istio dependent packages, which will be downloaded to the vendor
go mod vendor
Run the following command to build Istio:
sudo make build
If you do not run the command with sudo
, you may encounter the following error.
fatal: unsafe repository ('/work' is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /work
fatal: unsafe repository ('/work' is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /work *** "TAG cannot be empty". Stop.
make: *** [build] Error 2
Even if you follow the prompts and run git config --global --add /work
, you will still get errors during compilation.
The compiled binary will be saved in out
directory with the following directory structure.
├── darwin_amd64
│ ├── bug-report
│ ├── client
│ ├── envoy
│ ├── extauthz
│ ├── install-cni
│ ├── istio-cni
│ ├── istio-cni-taint
│ ├── istio-iptables
│ ├── istio_is_init
│ ├── istioctl
│ ├── logs
│ ├── operator
│ ├── pilot-agent
│ ├── pilot-discovery
│ ├── release
│ └── server
└── linux_amd64
├── envoy
├── envoy-centos
├── logs
└── release
It will build both the linux_amd64
and darwin_amd64
architectures binaries at the same time.
Run the following command to compile Istio into a Docker image.
sudo make docker
The compilation will take about 3 to 5 minutes depending on your network. Once the compilation is complete, you will see the Docker image of Istio by running the following command.
$ docker images
localhost:5000/app_sidecar_centos_7 latest 2044037df94b 51 seconds ago 524MB
localhost:5000/app_sidecar_ubuntu_jammy latest 5d8ae5ed55b7 About a minute ago 362MB
localhost:5000/proxyv2 latest d4679412385f About a minute ago 243MB
localhost:5000/install-cni latest 78f46d5771d2 About a minute ago 270MB
localhost:5000/istioctl latest c38130a5adc8 About a minute ago 190MB
localhost:5000/pilot latest 2aa9185ec202 About a minute ago 190MB
localhost:5000/app latest 473adafaeb8d About a minute ago 188MB
localhost:5000/operator latest 9ac1fedcdd12 About a minute ago 191MB
localhost:5000/ext-authz latest 1fb5aaf20791 About a minute ago 117MB
localhost:5000/app_sidecar_debian_11 latest 61376a02b95d 2 minutes ago 407MB
localhost:5000/app_sidecar_ubuntu_xenial latest 7e8efe666611 2 minutes ago 418MB
You can change the image name and push it into your own container registry.
This is how to build Istio on macOS. If you have already downloaded the Docker image you need to build, the build will take less than a minute. It also takes only a few minutes to build Docker images.
Last updated on Mar 12, 2025