JWT Issuer


JwtIssuer specifies configuration associated with a JWT issuer.

For example,

issuer: "https://mycompany.corp"
jwksUri: "https://mycompany.corp/jwks.json"
shortName: "mycorp"
    jsonPath: .custom_attributes


JwtIssuer specifies configuration associated with a JWT issuer.

Field Description Validation Rule


JWT Issuer identifier.

The value must be a case sensitive URL using the https scheme that contains scheme, host, and optionally, port number and path components and no query or fragment components.

E.g., https://mycompany.corp, https://accounts.google.com, https://sts.windows.net/9edbd6c9-0e5b-4cfd-afec-fdde27cdd928/, etc.

See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDToken

string = {
  prefix: https://
  uri: true


string oneof jwks_source
URL of the JSON Web Key Set document.

Source of public keys the Workload Onboarding Plane should use to validate the signature of an OIDC ID Token.

E.g., https://mycompany.corp/jwks.json.

When unspecified, URL the JSON Web Key Set document will be resolved using OpenID Connect Discovery protocol.

string = {
  prefix: https://
  uri: true


string oneof jwks_source
Inlined JSON Web Key Set document.

Specifies public keys the Workload Onboarding Plane should use to validate the signature of an OIDC ID Token.

string = {
  min_len: 1


Unique short name associated with the issuer.

The value must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters and hyphen (-).

Since this value will be included into the auto-generated name of the WorkloadAutoRegistration resource, keep it as short as possible.

E.g., my-corp, prod, test, etc.

string = {
  pattern: ^[0-9a-z]+(-[0-9a-z]+)*$


Description of the custom fields included in the OIDC ID Token.

By default, Workload Onboarding Plane interprets only one field that is always present in a valid OIDC ID Token

  • sub (subject).

If you want Workload Onboarding Plane to interpret custom fields included in the OIDC ID Token, you have to provide an explicit configuration.

E.g., you can instruct the Workload Onboarding Plane to treat a certain field as a map of fine-grained attributes associated with the subject. It will allow you to define OnboardingPolicy(s) that match those attributes.

Notice that this description instructs how to interpret custom fields if they are present in an OIDC ID Token. A token in which custom fields are not present is still valid. An OnboardingPolicy that does not put constraints on attributes extracted from custom fields can still match a workload with that token.


JwtTokenField specifies a custom field included into the OIDC ID Token.

Field Description Validation Rule


Simple JSON Path which is evaluated against custom claims of the OIDC ID Token to produce the value of the field.

E.g., .custom_attributes, .google.compute_engine, etc.

JSON Path must start either from . or from $. Use of $ is mandatory when followed by the array notation.

E.g., $['custom_attributes'], $['google'].compute_engine, etc.

Special symbols (such as . or ) in property names must be escaped.

E.g., .custom\.attributes, $['custom\.attributes'], etc.

See https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/

string = {
  pattern: ^[.$].+$


JwtTokenFields specifies custom fields included into the OIDC ID Token.

Field Description Validation Rule


Field that carries a map of fine-grained attributes associated with the subject of the OIDC ID Token.

If specified, Workload Onboarding Plane will treat the name/value pairs extracted from this field as attributes associated with the workload. It will allow you to define OnboardingPolicy(s) that match those attributes.

E.g., if an OIDC ID Token includes the following fields:

  "iss": "https://mycompany.corp",
  "aud": "ef67c7b9-10da-4542-ad3b-b95acc1e05ba",
  "sub": "us-east-datacenter1-vm007",
  "azp": "us-east-datacenter1-vm007",
  "iat": 1613404941,
  "exp": 1613408541,
  "custom_attributes": {
    "region": "us-east",
    "datacenter": "datacenter1",
    "instance_name": "vm007",
    "instance_hostname": "vm007.internal.corp",
    "instance_role": "app-ratings"

then, you can indicate to the Workload Onboarding Plane to treat the contents of field custom_attributes as fine-grained attributes associated with the workload.


The set of components that make up the control plane. Use this to override application settings or Kubernetes settings for each individual component.

Field Description Validation Rule


Workload Onboarding Plane Instance component.


Kubernetes settings for the Workload Onboarding Plane Instance component.

Field Description Validation Rule


Configure Kubernetes specific settings.


map<string, string>
The log level configuration by scopes. Supported log level: “none”, “error”, “warn”, “info”, “debug”.