Move the website to the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong node to increase the speed of website access and the convenience of obtaining public IP and subdomain names.

  • Jul 9, 2020

Just tonight, the website was moved to the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong node. This is to further optimize the user experience and increase access speed. I purchased an ECS on the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong node, and now I have a public IP and can set subdomains. The website was previously deployed on GitHub Pages, the access speed is average, and it has to withstand GitHub instability. Impact (In recent years, GitHub downtime has occurred).

Meanwhile, the blog has also done a lot to improve the site, thanks to Bai Jun away @baijunyao strong support, a lot of work for the revision of the site, including:

  • Changed the theme color scheme and deepened the contrast
  • Use aligolia to support full site search
  • Optimized mobile display
  • Articles in the blog have added zoom function
  • Added table of contents to blog post

This site is built on the theme of educenter .

Thanks to the majority of netizens who have supported this website for several years. The website has been in use for more than three years and has millions of visits. It has undergone two major revisions before and after, on January 31, 2020 and October 8, 2017, respectively. And changed the theme of the website. In the future, I will share more cloud-native content with you as always, welcome to collect, forward, and join the cloud-native community to communicate with the majority of cloud-native developers.

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